Carnise R. McIntosh, also known as Sha•Doe (Shay), is a talent and strategic thinker rarely encountered before. Graphic designer and journalist by degrees, fashion designer innately, and architecture novice, Carnise is Designer who truly sees design in everything.

Hailing from the Midwest, Carnise was a first generation college student initially attending the University of Kansas for architecture. She held future plans to move to New York City to attend Fashion Institute of Technology for Fashion Design. Shortly after studies began, a string of events lead to a switch that forever changed the way that she looked at the world.

“Finding graphic design was the greatest, most satisfying stumble of my life. The discipline brought clarity to everything that I had already loved. Although I’ve been designing for years now, I am still fascinated by how powerful and deliberate the craft is. Whether its a print spread, new media ad, apparel, or sales & marketing strategy, graphic design is in everything that I Design.”

Carnise has been awarded in Graphic Design for various works. She now lives in New York City, where she has done work for such companies as Apple, Inc and freelances in graphic design & creative direction.